Lip augmentation

Fuller lips are becoming increasingly popular procedure Lip augmentation is primarily designed to restore shape, volume and projection to the lip border and body. The main injection points in lip augmentation are the vermilion border, oral commissures, cupids bow and philtrum. A variety of dermal fillers are used to create bespoke treatments depending on the client’s unique lip anatomy.

How long do lip fillers last?

Lip fillers on average can last between 3-9 months

Will it hurt?

A topical aesthetic numbing cream is applied before the procedure to reduce discomfort

Common side effects include

  • Bruising and swelling at the injection site to injection site can last more than one week
  • Tenderness
  • Infection at injection site. A topical solution called Clinisept is used prior to clean the skin minimising the risk


  • Avoid applying make up for 24hours
  • Avoid vigorous exercise and alcohol for 48 hours
  • If bruising and swelling develops antihistamine tablets and arnica cream may relieve the symptoms
  • No hot saunas or facials for two weeks after the procedure
  • If previously had a cold sore the procedure may cause a new eruption requiring treatment either in tablet form or cream (a treatment plan would be made for this following the consultation).


0.5ml from £150
1ml from £200

Contraindications for Lip Augmentation with Dermal Fillers

  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Under 18 years of age
  • If you are taking medicines which affect bleeding such as warfarin, heparin & aspirin as increases risk of bleeding and bruising
  • If you are unwell with a virus at time of procedure (postpone the procedure until a time when feeling better)
  • If you have a skin infection at the site of proposed treatment
  • If you have had a previous allergic reaction to dermal fillers or local anaesthetic
  • If you are taking immunosuppressant medication such as steroids.
  • Or have an auto-immune disorder such as diabetes
  • If you have a bleeding disorder