anti-wrinkle injections

Anti-wrinkle injections are now one of the most recognised and popular non-surgical treatments for delaying the signs of aging and softening wrinkles on the face. Botulinum Toxin A commonly known as BOTOX® is a nerve toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum and was FDA approved for use in cosmetics procedures in 2002.


Botulinum toxin can be used effectively to treat wrinkles which are caused by natural facial movement. Once injected into the facial muscles it blocks nerve impulses, temporarily paralysing movement of the muscle. Resulting in a more youthful look with a reduction in dynamic & fine wrinkles whilst softening static wrinkles. As the toxin wears off, impulses to the muscle regenerate and stimulate the muscle to contract again recreating fine lines and wrinkles again over time. Results from anti-wrinkle injections generally last up to 3 to 4 months in initial stages of treatment. Some clients it may last up to 6 months. Regular treatment will be required to maintain the desired anti- wrinkle effect.

The best time to consider having Anti-Wrinkle treatment is when you begin to notice that your dynamic lines appear regardless of expression and form even when static. Anti-wrinkle treatment remains one of the most affordable, fastest working safe and effective non-surgical, anti-ageing treatments available.

Treatment areas with injectable Botulinum Toxin

Frown lines injecting into the procerus and corrugator muscles, relaxes the frown movement that cause the lines in between the eyebrows. Horizontal forehead lines injecting into the frontalis muscle, relaxes the upward movement of the brow causing horizontal lines and wrinkles across the forehead. Eyes injecting into the orbicularis oculi muscles, relaxes the muscles that cause lines around and under the eyes referred to as crow’s feet nose injecting into the nasalis muscle, relaxes movement when the nose is scrunched commonly known as bunny lines. Marionette Lines injecting into the depressor anguli oris (DAO) muscles relaxes movement in the lower face that cause a sad smile and softening marionette lines. Gummy Smile injecting into the levator labii superioris muscle minimises the amount of gum showing when smiling. Chin Dimpling injecting into the mentalis muscle is designed to improve the pebble appearance in the chin and reduce over protrusion of the lower lip. Masseter Muscle injecting into the masseter muscles are used to slim your jawline creating a more oval or v shaped appearance and to treat teeth grinding. Platysmal bands injecting into the platysma muscle in the neck can soften the appearance of a turkey neck.

Side Effects and Risk

Botulinum Toxin A has an excellent safety record but there are some associated small risks each client needs to be informed about prior to treatment. Common side effects and short term temporary side effects

  • Redness, bruise and minor swelling at injection points

Less frequent

  • A headache which usually resolves after 12-24 hours- relived with analgesia
  • Temporary eye lid ptosis- minimum risk
  • Infection at injection site- minimum risk

Contraindications for treatment with Botulinum Toxin A

  • Anybody under 18 years old
  • Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Anyone taking gentamicin medication
  • Anybody with myasthenia gravis muscle problems
  • Previous allergic reaction with this treatment

Caution will be taken in the following circumstances as there will be an increased association with bleeding and bruising

  • Clients at known risk of bleeding such as blood clotting disorders, or known to be taking blood thinner medication such as warfarin, heparin, aspirin and anti-inflammatory medicines as well as certain herbal remedies such as Gingko Bilboa, St John’s Wort and vitamin E.

Procedure Details

SKIN Finesse Clinic strives to give clients a refreshed and youthful appearance through the use of Botox®. A free non-obligation consultation is required face to face with Rachael Advanced Aesthetic Independent Nurse prescriber. An assessment will be made on the client’s needs/ expectations to determine the best treatment protocol prior to the procedure.

The consultation will consist of

  • A full medical history
  • Explanation of treatment, risks and complications
  • Client expectations
  • Planning a future timely appointment for the procedure- option to postpone, to consider if the treatment right for the individual
  • Signing a consent form
  • Post treatment advice
  • Consent for Before and after pictures.

At the second appointment for the agreed procedure

  • Areas to be injected will be cleaned with clinisept antimicrobial skin cleanser.
  • Small amounts of Botulinum toxin will be injected utilising fine disposable micro needles
  • A topical cream will be applied to areas injected after treatment.
  • An appointment for review will be offered 2-3 weeks after procedure


  • Areas to be injected will be cleaned with clinisept antimicrobial skin cleanser.
  • Small amounts of Botulinum toxin will be injected utilising fine disposable micro needles
  • A topical cream will be applied to areas injected after treatment.
  • An appointment for review will be offered 2-3 weeks after procedure

For 4 hours after treatment

  • Keep upright do not bend excessively.
  • Avoid rubbing or touching the injected area to avoid spreading the risk of infection

For 12 hours after treatment

  • Avoid alcohol
  • Avoid wearing makeup

For 48 hours after treatment

  • Do not rub or massage the treatment
  • Gentle pat skin dry with a soft towel after cleansing the face

For 2 weeks after treatment

  • Avoid strong sunlight and saunas
  • No facials for two weeks


Procedure takes 15- 30mins. There is no downtime clients can resume their normal daily activity afterwards


Starts from £150

A full price will be given after the consultation depending on how many areas are to be treated.

The cost for treating men may be increased due to stronger facial muscles requiring more botulinum toxin A to achieve the desired effect.
